Getting started

Installing from your package manager

Pre-packaged builds of splash exist for most operating systems.

Stable version

Mac OS via homebrew:

brew tap danieljprice/all
brew install splash

Mac OS via Macports:

sudo port install splash

Linux or Windows Linux Subsystem (Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install splash

Development version

SPLASH and giza (the plotting backend) both have public repositories, so you can check out the latest and greatest code at any time. Both the splash and giza repositories are generally stable, so it is usually safe to get the very latest version. Just use:

Mac OS via homebrew:

brew tap danieljprice/all
brew install --HEAD splash

or compile from source following the instructions below.

Compiling from source

Basic instructions

If you have admin (super user) permissions:

git clone; cd giza; ./configure; make; sudo make install; cd ..
git clone
cd splash; make SYSTEM=gfortran; sudo make install

Installing in your home space

If you do not have admin permissions. That is, to install in your home space:

git clone
cd splash; git clone
make SYSTEM=gfortran withgiza


If you have installed splash in your home space, you will need to set the following environment variables for everything to work. Put the following commands in your ~/.bashrc file or equivalent, so they are set every time you log in:

export SPLASH_DIR=$HOME/splash

Advanced installation guide

The basic steps for installation are as follows:

  1. make sure you have a recent Fortran compiler (such as gfortran)

  2. make sure you have cairo on your system

  3. compile splash and giza

Fortran compilers

Numerous Fortran 90/95/2003 compilers exist. The most widely available are:

Both of these successfully compile splash and the giza library.

Cairo graphics library

Cairo is a low-level system library used in many applications. Thus it is highly likely that you already have a copy on your system and already in your library path. Look for the header file cairo.h, e.g. using:

locate cairo.h

or have a look in the usual places (e.g. /usr/include/cairo, /usr/X11/include). If not, you can usually use your inbuilt package manager to install cairo as follows:


sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev

Fedora/Red Hat/CentOS:

sudo yum install cairo-devel


zypper install cairo-devel


sudo port install cairo

Alternatively, use the script provided in the root-level splash directory:


which downloads and installs both pixman and cairo into the giza/ subdirectory. Unlike the methods above, this does not require any admin/superuser permissions.

Compiling and linking with giza

You can either install giza with your package manager, or in a subdirectory of splash. To install in a splash subdirectory, use:

     cd splash
     git clone
make withgiza

of splash.

With giza installed via your package manager (or previously compiled as below), use:

cd splash
make GIZA_DIR=/usr/local

where GIZA_DIR points to the directory where giza was installed. To install giza in a splash subdirectory, use:

cd splash
git clone
make withgiza

A successful make will produce a binary called splash

Reading your data

The most important part is getting splash to read *your* data format. If you are using a publicly available code, it is reasonably likely that I have already written a read data subroutine which will read your dumps. If not it is best to look at some of the other examples and change the necessary parts to suit your data files. Note that reading directly from unformatted data files is *much* faster than reading from formatted (ascii) output.

A standard make will create a binary which supports the file formats listed in Binaries and data reads compiled by default, plus a bunch of others (type splash --formats to see what formats your build supports). All data formats in the splash repository that do not have an additional dependencies (e.g. HDF5) will be supported in the splash binary as of version 3.0.0. This means that the user needs to specify the data type they are reading as a command line option. For example, the following will read a phantom dumpfile:

splash --format phantom disc_00000

In some cases, the format of the file can be inferred if the the file has a known suffix. For example, the above line can be changed if the suffixe of the file is recognised:

splash disc_00000.pb

This will automatically recognise a Phantom binary dumpfile. For backwards compatibility with previous version of splash, one can add aliases into their .bashrc, or equivalent:

alias asplash='splash ' # Alias for ascii splash
alias ssplash='splash -f phantom '
alias gsplash='splash -f gadget '
alias vsplash='splash -f vine '
alias nsplash='splash -f ndspmhd '
alias rsplash='splash -f srosph '
alias dsplash='splash -f dragon '
alias srsplash='splash -f seren '
alias tsplash='splash -f tipsy '
alias tsplash='splash -f tipsy '
alias msplash='splash -f mhutch '

If splash is compiled with HDF5=yes, the formats listed in Supported HDF5 data formats will also be available in the splash binary. Other supported formats are listed in Other supported file formats that require external libraries, but these require additional libraries.

Table 1 Binaries and data reads compiled by default

splash command

Format Read

read_data File


splash -gadget <file>



Generic data read for n-column ascii formats. Automatically determines number of columns and skips header lines. Can recognise SPH particle data based on the column labels. Use splash -e to plot non-SPH data (e.g. energy vs time files).

splash -dragon <file>



See environment variable options.

splash -gadget <file>

gadget, gadget-2, gadget-3


Handles both default and block-labelled formats (see environment variable options).

splash -ndspmhd <file>



Format for the ndspmhd SPH/SPMHD code (publicly available from my website).

splash -phantom <file>

sphNG, Phantom


sphNG is Matthew Bate’s SPH code. Option -sphng also works.

splash -magma <file>



Stephan Rosswog’s code

splash -seren <file>



The SEREN SPH code (Hubber, McLeod et al.)

splash -gasoline <file>

gasoline, tipsy


Reads both binary and ascii TIPSY files (determined automatically). Option -tipsy also works.

splash -vine <file>



See environment variable options.

splash -starsmasher <file>



The StarSmasher code (Gaburov et al. 2018)

Below is a list of the supported data formats that require HDF5.

Table 2 Supported HDF5 data formats

splash Command

Read Format

read_data File


splash -gadget_hdf5 <file>

gadget HDF5 Files.


Reads HDF5 format from the gadget code.

splash -amuse <file>



Reads HDF5 format from the AMUSE framework.

splash -cactus_hdf5 <file>

Cactus HDF5


splash -flash_hdf5 <file>

FLASH tracer particles


Reads tracer particle output from the FLASH code. The option -flash will also work.

splash -falcon_hdf5 <file>



Walter Dehnen’s SPH code format. The option -falcon will also work.

If the HDF5 read files end with .h5, the suffix _hdf5 from the splash command can be removed. For example:

splash -gadget dump_000.h5

will recognise that the file dump_000.h5 is in the HDF5 format, and will automatically select the correct read_data routine.

Below is a list of other formats supported, but have additional library requirements.

Table 3 Other supported file formats that require external libraries

splash Command

Read Format

read_data File


splash -pbob <file>

PBOB Files


Requires the PBOB Library. Compile splash with PBOB_DIR=/path/to/pbob/.

splash -h5part <file>

H5Part Files


Requires the H5Part and HDF5 libraries. Compile splash with H5PART_DIR=/path/to/h5part/.

splash -fits <file>

FITS files


Requires FITS libraries. Try to compile splash with FITS=yes. If this does not work, point to the location of your fits libraries with FITS_DIR=/path/to/fits.

Further details on writing your own subroutine are given in appendix Data reads and command line options. The *easiest* way is to i) email me a sample data file and ii) the subroutine you used to write it, and I will happily create a data read for your file format.

Command line options

Typing splash --help gives a complete and up-to-date list of options. Currently these are:

Command line options:

 -p fileprefix     : change prefix to ALL settings files read/written by splash
 -d defaultsfile   : change name of defaults file read/written by splash
 -l limitsfile     : change name of limits file read/written by splash
 -e, -ev           : use default options best suited to ascii evolution files (ie. energy vs time)
 -lm, -lowmem      : use low memory mode [applies only to sphNG data read at present]
 -o pixformat      : dump pixel map in specified format (use just -o for list of formats)
 -f                : input file format to be read (ascii is default)

To select data formats, use the shortcuts below, or use the -f or --format command line options
Multiple data formats are not support in a single instance.
Supported data formats:
 -ascii            : ascii file format (default)
 -phantom -sphng   : Phantom and sphNG codes
 -ndspmhd          : ndsphmd code
 -gadget           : Gadget code
 -seren            : Seren code many others. Type --formats for a full list

The following formats support HDF5:
 -flash            : FLASH code
 -gadget           : Gadget code
 -cactus           : Cactus SPH code
 -falcon           : FalcON code
 -amuse            : AMUSE Framework

add a suffix "_hdf5" to the above command line options if your data files do not end with .h5.

Command line plotting mode:

 -x column         : specify x plot on command line (ie. do not prompt for x)
 -y column         : specify y plot on command line (ie. do not prompt for y)
 -r[ender] column  : specify rendered quantity on command line (ie. no render prompt)
                     (will take columns 1 and 2 as x and y if -x and/or -y not specified)
 -vec[tor] column  : specify vector plot quantity on command line (ie. no vector prompt)
 -c[ontour] column : specify contoured quantity on command line (ie. no contour prompt)
 -dev device       : specify plotting device on command line (ie. do not prompt)

 convert mode ("splash to X dumpfiles"):
 splash to ascii   : convert SPH data to ascii file dumpfile.ascii

        to binary  : convert SPH data to simple unformatted binary dumpfile.binary
                      write(1) time,npart,ncolumns
                      do i=1,npart
                         write(1) dat(1:ncolumns),itype
        to phantom : convert SPH data to binary dump file for PHANTOM
        to gadget  : convert SPH data to default GADGET snapshot file format

 Grid conversion mode ("splash to X dumpfiles"):
    splash to grid         : interpolate basic SPH data (density, plus velocity if present in data)
                             to 2D or 3D grid, write grid data to file (using default output=ascii)
           to gridascii    : as above, grid data written in ascii format
           to gridbinary   : as above, grid data in simple unformatted binary format:
                                write(unit) nx,ny,nz,ncolumns,time                 [ 4 bytes each ]
                                write(unit) (((rho(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 4 bytes each ]
                                write(unit) (((vx(i,j,k), i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 4 bytes each ]
                                write(unit) (((vy(i,j,k), i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 4 bytes each ]
                                write(unit) (((...(i,j,k),i=1,nx),j=1,ny),k=1,nz)  [ 4 bytes each ]
        allto grid         : as above, interpolating *all* columns to the grid (and output file)
        allto gridascii    : as above, with ascii output
        allto gridbinary   : as above, with binary output

 Analysis mode ("splash calc X dumpfiles") on a sequence of dump files:
  splash calc energies     : calculate KE,PE,total energy vs time
                             output to file called 'energy.out'
         calc massaboverho : mass above a series of density thresholds vs time
                             output to file called 'massaboverho.out'
         calc max          : maximum of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'maxvals.out'
         calc min          : minimum of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'minvals.out'
         calc diff           : (max - min) of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'diffvals.out'
         calc amp          : 0.5*(max - min) of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'ampvals.out'
         calc delta        : 0.5*(max - min)/mean of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'deltavals.out'
         calc mean         : mean of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'meanvals.out'
         calc rms          : (mass weighted) root mean square of each column vs. time
                             output to file called 'rmsvals.out'

  the above options all produce a small ascii file with one row per input file.
  the following option produces a file equivalent in size to one input file (in ascii format):

         calc timeaverage  : time average of *all* entries for every particle
                             output to file called 'time_average.out'

         calc ratio        : ratio of *all* entries in each file compared to first
                             output to file called 'ratio.out'

Command-line options can be entered in any order on the command line (even after the dump file names). For more information on the convert utility (splash to ascii) see Conversion of binary data files to ascii. For details of the -o ppm or -o ascii option see Outputting the raw pixel map to a file. For details of the -ev option, see Using splash to plot energy vs time plots.

Options affecting all data reads

Command line flags (or environment variables) that affect all data reads are:



gives name of system-wide splash.defaults file (and splash.limits etc.) that will be used if there is none in the current dir. e.g. --defaults=$HOME/splash.defaults



changes the smoothing kernel used in the interpolations (e.g. cubic or quintic). Can also be changed in the (r)endering options.



if set to yes or true, turns on verbose debugging output. Useful to trace code crashes (but of course, this never happens…).



if set to a number n, centres coordinates and velocities on the nth sink/star particle (e.g. export SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SINK=2)



plot in corotating frame based on locations of 2 sink particles (e.g. --corotate=1,3)



if given a value \(>\)0 enforces a minimum smoothing length, specified in code units, all the particles. Useful to “dumb-down” the resolution of SPH simulations to match observational resolution. If this variable is set the “accelerated rendering” option in the (r)endering options is also turned on as otherwise slow rendering can result.

—xmin=0.1 —xmax=0.1 —ymin=0.1 —ymax=0.1


can be used to manually adjust the left page page margin (set to fraction of viewport, negative values are allowed).

Ascii data read

For several data reads there are command-line flags which can be set at runtime which are specific to the data read. For the ascii data read (splash -f ascii) these are:


if given a value \(>\)0 sets the number of columns to be read from ascii data (overrides the automatic number of columns determination).


if given a value \(>=\)0 sets the number of header lines to skip (overrides the automatic determination).


can be used to provide the location of (path to) the default columns file containing the labels for ascii data. Overridden by the presence of a local columns file.


if given a nonzero value sets the time to use in the legend (fixed for all files)


if given a nonzero value sets gamma to use in exact solution calculations (fixed for all files)


sets the integer line number where the time appears in the header


sets the integer line number where gamma appears in the header

The above options can be set as environment variables by prefixing them with ASPLASH, e.g.:

splash datafile.txt

GADGET data read

For the GADGET read (splash -f gadget) the options are:


if set = 2, reads the block labelled GADGET format instead of the default (non block labelled) format.


if yes or true uses the redshift in the legend instead of code time.


if given a value \(>\) 0.0 will assign a smoothing length to dark matter particles for which rendered plots of column density can then be made.


if set to a comma separated list of column labels, will attempt to read additional columns containing gas particle properties beyond the end of the file (not applicable if –format=2).


if set to a comma separated list of column labels, will attempt to read additional columns containing star particle properties beyond the end of the file (and after any extra gas particle columns) (not applicable if GSPLASH_FORMAT=2).


if set to yes or true, reads and checks particle IDs, excluding particles with negative IDs as accreted (gives them a negative smoothing length which means they are ignored in renderings).


if set to a positive integer, specifies the location of the smoothing length in the columns, overriding any default settings.


if set,does not assume that extra columns are present even if the cooling flag is set in the header.

For backwards compatibility, the above options can also be set as environment variables by prefixing them with GSPLASH, e.g.:

splash -gadget snap_00010

which is equivalent to:

splash -f gadget --format=2 snap_00010

For the GADGET read gsplash will also look for, and read if present, files called snapshot_xxx.hsml and/or snapshot_xxx.dens (where snapshot_xxx is the name of the corresponding GADGET dump file) which contain smoothing lengths and/or a density estimate for dark matter particles (these should just be one-column ascii files).

VINE data read

For the VINE read (splash -vine) the options are:


if yes or true multiplies smoothing length read from the dump file by a factor of 2.8 (for use with older VINE dumps where the smoothing length is defined as in a Plummer kernel rather than as the usual SPH smoothing length).


if set, reads VINE dumps containing MHD arrays (note that setting VINE_MHD also works).

sphNG data read

For the sphNG and PHANTOM read (splash -phantom) the options are:


resets the positions such that the centre of mass is exactly at the origin.


if non-zero, subtracts solid body rotation with omega as specified to give velocities in co-rotating frame


same as –omega but applies to velocities also


sets default time units, either ’s’, ’min’, ’hrs’, ’days’, ’yr’ or ’tfreefall’ (used verbatim in legend)

dragon data read

For the dragon read (splash -dragon) the options are:


specifies number of extra columns present in the file which are dumped after the itype array

Stephan Rosswog data read

For the srosph read (splash) the options are:


can be MHD or HYDRO which read the appropriate data format from either the MHD or hydrodynamic codes


if set resets the positions such that the centre of mass is exactly at the origin.


velocities are transformed to corotating frame


can be changed to give correct parameter in \(h=h_{fact}(m/\rho)^{1/3}\) used to set the particle masses when rendering minidumps (i.e., when the mass is not dumped). Default is RSPLASH_HFACT=1.5

ndspmhd data read

For the ndspmhd read (splash -ndspmhd) the options are:


plots barycentric quantities for one-fluid dust instead of creating fake second set of particles

H5Part data read

For the H5PART read (splash -f h5part) the options are:


number of spatial dimensions \(d\) (overrides value inferred from data)


factor to use to compute h from \(h = h_{fac} *(m/\rho)^{1/d}\) if h not present in data


value for global smoothing length h (if h not present in data)


name of the dataset containing the particle type identification (default is “MatID”)

Environment variables

Several runtime options for splash can be set using environment variables. These are variables set from your unix shell. In the bash shell, environment variables are set from the command line using

export VAR='blah'

or by putting this command in your .bash_profile/.bashrc. In csh, the equivalent is

setenv VAR 'blah'

or by putting the above in your .cshrc file.

Changing the font

Several environment variables affect the backend plotting library. Probably the most useful is the ability to change font:

export GIZA_FONT='Helvetica'

where the name is a reasonable guess as to the font you want to use (the default is Times). In particular, if you are having trouble displaying unicode characters such as greek letters, you can just change the font until you find one that works.

Endian changing

On some compilers, the endian-ness (byte order) when reading unformatted binary data files can be changed at runtime. This is useful for looking at files on different systems to the one on which they were created (e.g. x86 machines create little-endian files by default, whereas IBM/powerpc machines create big-endian). Environment variables for changing the endian-ness of the data read for some common compilers are given below:


Environment variable

Big endian

Little endian











For compilers without this feature, almost all can change the endian-ness at compile time, and the appropriate flags for doing so can be set using

export ENDIAN='BIG'

or LITTLE before compiling splash (this adds the appropriate compile-time flags for the compiler selected using the SYSTEM environment variable in the splash Makefile).